Monthly Bulletin – April 2022

European Commission presents its new strategy for sustainable and circular textiles

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The Textile Strategy proposes actions for the entire lifecycle of textiles products, and addresses the way textiles are designed and consumed, including by looking at sustainable technological solutions and innovative business models. By 2030, the Commission wants textiles placed on the market to be long-lived and recyclable, and made, to a large extent, of recycled fibres free of hazardous substances.

The Textile Strategy represents different approaches for different actors in the value chain. For producers, mandatory design requirements for textiles and greater reliance on extended producer responsibility schemes will help extend the lifetime of clothing. The strategy encourages Member States to support the reuse and repair sector at national, regional and local level and adopt tax reductions and other favourable taxation measures for the reuse and repair sector. On the consumer side, the strategy will encourage a shift towards quality, durability, longer use, repair and reuse. Through the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, it will mobilise designers, producers, retailers, advertisers and citizens in re-defining EU fashion.

Here is a short summary of the measures foreseen by the Commission:

  • new design requirements for textiles under the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation, setting mandatory minimums for the inclusion of recycled fibres in textiles, making them longer-lasting, and easier to repair and recycle;
  • clearer information on textiles and a Digital Product Passport;
  • stricter rules to protect consumers from misleading green claims;
  • action to address the unintentional release of microplastics from textiles;
  • harmonised EU rules on extended producer responsibility for textiles, and economic incentives to make products more sustainable (‘eco-modulation of fees’);
  • addressing the challenges related to halting the export of textile waste.

The proposal on sustainable textiles will include a comprehensive list of legislative and non-legislative measures, which you will find in detail in the annex to the strategy. As mentioned above, the Strategy has strong links with the proposals on the Sustainable Products Initiative, including the stricter rules on environmental claims and eco-design Regulation, which we will address in that context.

We will however also inform you and seek your input on developments surrounding the review of the Waste Framework Directive or any other of the issues of the Commission’s Annex. We encourage you to flag any issues of particular concern to us as early as possible, as it makes our action all the more effective.